List the mountain

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‘Writing of the mountain soon after her arrival in 1840, Louisa Anne Meredith noted in My Home in Tasmania that ‘Several unfortunate persons who at various times have imprudently attempted the ascent without a guide, have never returned, nor has any vestige of them ever been discovered.’ The irony is that in 1924 her husband’s niece, Clara Sabina Meredith (1857–1924) fell to her death, as the Mercury of 2 and 3 September reported, from the area known as the Organ Pipes.’

from Women’s Places (Itineraries)  Around Hobart.

The Mountain’s “awful majesty.”Louisa Meredith wrote in her journals: “And over all there looms the gigantic figure of the mountain, with its head in the clouds, and its feet in the sea, filling the eye with its vast proportions, and impressing the mind by its awful majesty.” And she praised 'its summit of basaltic columns' for its 'ever-varying, but never decreasing grandeur'.