

Location Known Construction 1891 Status Remnants



Historic, Scientific, Archeological, Aesthetic


McConnell assessed this hut as having High Medium-High Local Significance, Some State Significance individually and as part of the suite and Some National Significance


The Huts of kunanyi/Mount Wellington - Maria Grist

Fern Retreat Timeline

The McRobbies Gully Musk Hut (aka The Log Hut) was first errected in 1902 on a very steep site as a single room made from horizontal logs, with a hip bark roof and a verandah on three sides. Rebuilt and ornamented several times, it was a beautifully creative build, even for one of this tradition. Tree ferns were added to the flat area, and a carefully laid decoration of twigs enhanced the verandah. The final version was opened in 1908 and included a watchtower. The roof was now shingled, a bump-out was added at right, and a second main gable was reflected in the verandah roof line. The hut name “Musk Hut” was above the bump-out. A rustic seat wrapped around the base of one of the tree ferns. The final phase of the build showed a new dormer window added at the centre of the roofline, and decorations completed around the verandah. The two small verandah gables appear steeper in this last phase. Wood chopping contests were frequently held at Musk Hut. At the Grand Opening the founder said ‘It is always open for inspection, and visitors are merely requested to observe the notices displayed as to lighting fires, damaging shrubs, etc.’


‘One of the prettiest sights on the slopes of Mt. Wellington, situated within easy walking distance of the Cascade tram.’

Status: Remnants


A Timeline for Musk Hut

Maria Grist